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Compassionate Accountability Podcast

May 1, 2024

Dr. Nathan Regier, your host, welcomes Amy Luckey to today’s conversation. Amy is an Executive Coach who specializes in working with neurodivergent leaders (diagnosed or not), helping them overcome challenges and reach their goals. 

Dr. Nate and Amy discuss today the role of compassion in coaching leaders and provide actionable tips for implementing compassion in the workplace. They also dive deep into the importance of allowing suffering while being with and seeing others.


Key Takeaways:

[3:03] Why is it relevant to implement compassion in the workplace?

[5:11] Is it important to have a common definition of compassion?  Yes, but Amy proposes a much more experiential approach. 

[9:45] Experiencing compassion must come together with talking and reflecting on it.

[11:49] What are some of the components of compassion?  

[17:36] Compassion: Struggle with or being with someone in their suffering?

[21:48] Dr. Nate discusses developing emotional fluency and self-awareness based on Brene Brown’s research.

[24:27] Amy talks about the notion of being seeing.

[28:41] How can we bring more compassion into Corporate America?

[30:06] Amy shares some tools she uses when working with clients.

[35:01] Dr. Nate and Amy explore the significance of pausing.


Mentioned in this episode:

The Compassion Mindset

Compassionate Accountability: How Leaders Build Connection and Get Results, Nate Regier

Visit Next-Element


Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience, Brene Brown

Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts, Brene Brown



“Allowing the suffering is a main component of compassion.” #oncompassion


“The human soul does not need to be advised; it needs to be witnessed.” #oncompassion


“You can show compassion without conflict.” #oncompassion